Tuesday, April 17, 2007

New plants arrived!

Received my starter garden from Bluestone Perennials! Talk about instant gratification. 55 plants in all.
They are all in good shape with one exception, a three pack of Arabis looks a bit weary.
Instructions say to unpack them immediately, and water them at least twice today.
Set them in shade for a couple of days and when ready to plant do it in the evening.
Now I need to work them into the perennial bed B3, according to my map, and put the excess wherever they will be out of the way until they can go in B3 after the bulbs are moved. I had too many bulbs last Fall and their final positions had not been worked over yet. I was planning on having them begin dying out so I could pull them for the summer and put them into their permanent location next Fall. My timing was a little bit off.

With the exception of the four shrubs, they are all planned into BB3.

I will send the packing peanuts back to Bluestone and receive free shipping on my next order, nice.

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