Monday, June 25, 2007

Found this fertilizer that looks really promising

I saw an ad for this product called Worm Poop. Naturally, it caught my attention. It is liquid worm casings, which is an organically rich product that has been touted for years as one of the best fertilizers to use for feeding plants as well as protecting plants from a myriad of pests.

The ad said the company recycles bottles that customers send to them and I thought, now that sounds like a win-win situation in that it helps keep at least some plastic out of the landfills, for awhile anyway. The ad directed me to to learn more about how to get your organization involved so I checked it out.

I realized, after reading about the product that I have heard of this product from another gardeners blog a couple of months ago, sorry I can’t remember who, but then I saw the article about them being sued by Scott’s Miracle-Gro. After reading about the law-suit and learning why Scott’s is suing, I could not believe it. Scotts claims that the two companies’ products look similar and will ‘confuse customers because some TerraCycle plant foods have a green and yellow label with a circle and a picture of flowers and vegetables on it.’

I looked again at the product and realized that when I first looked at the Terracycle product that I did not even think about Miracle-Gro. Therefore I am convinced that this lawsuit is completely without merit. I don’t think we gardeners are simple minded enough that just because a package is similar in color to Miracle-Gro that we will think we are buying Miracle-Gro. I think Scotts is insulting our intelligence. We can read after all.

The website goes on to compare the two companies from several different aspects, which I personally think is a little “over-the-top” and unnecessary, but Terracycle is the ‘little guy’ and underdog type in this battle.

TerraCycle is requesting our help by asking us to write to Scotts Board of Directors telling them why they should not sue TerraCycle and I for one am going to write to them.

I do feel insulted by Scotts claim that we as consumers cannot tell the difference between a Miracle-Gro label and any other label that is yellow and green.

I also would hate to see a company that has the foresight to attempt to address the recycle problem as well as promote an organic way of life get pushed out of business because some goliath feels threatened.

Are there really more people who would rather grow plants with chemicals than to grow them organically?

I am sure, or would like to believe, that gardeners have at least heard of the benefits of organic gardening and have also heard and seen proof of how chemicals are damaging our environment.

Let’s all write to Scotts and tell them that we are intelligent enough to read labels and differentiate between chemicals and organic products. Let’s be polite about it and not be insulting as they have been towards us. Let’s remind them that TerraCycle is small enough not to be a threat to their profits and that Scotts does not need to own the entire market.

Perhaps we can suggest to Scotts that maybe they can learn from TerraCycle’s example and start their own recycling program to help clean-up our environment.

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