Thursday, June 7, 2007

Photo quality, Gardening excitement & being a blogging rookie

My photos don't look as good as everyone else's, that is clear. I am behind a very steep learning curve but am trying. Hope everyone has patience, I am certain I will get better with practice. Just getting these photos resized and uploaded has been a monumental accomplishment for me and I am proud of the fact that I was able to do it, so there.

I guess I am supposed to be doing this blogging thing for me anyway, as a means of keeping a journal of my mistakes. So, as far as building a foundation of mistakes that I can improve upon, I am building a very broad base indeed.

I am excited about being able to grow something other than vegetables, which is where most of my gardening experience lies. I have had several failures, mostly shrubs, for some odd reason. I thought viburnum were supposed to be easy to grow.

Once I get those problems worked out my frustration at flower gardening and landscaping will be lessened. None of this has dampened my enthusiasm so I will continue to carry on.
This garden is not quite two months old and I am trying to learn as I go, I know that's what all gardeners are doing. I am proud to be in such good company as those that I try to learn from. I want to take this opportunity to give thanks to all of you who do share your gardens with the rest of the world so that we may learn from your talents (and mistakes) as well.

Until then, I will continue to practice these things called digital photography, gardening and blogging.

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