Thursday, July 5, 2007

June update

The Achillea Coronation Gold bloomed about a week ago and finally turned yellow.

The Achillea Angels Breath has had white blooms on it for several weeks.

The Chrysanthemum Shasta Daisy ‘Alaska’ now has three blooms on it with more on the way.

The Coreopsis ‘Early Sunrise’ is blooming like crazy!

Salvia ‘East Friesland’ has been blooming and attracting bees more than any other plant in the garden.

Echinacea ‘Magnus’ is beginning to send up flower buds and should spring open any day now.

The Marigold ‘Petite Orange’ and Antigua Yellow’ finally bloomed this past week.
And the Basil ‘Purple Ruffles’ sent up blooms.

My Liatris ‘Kobold’ is slowly crisping away so I need to figure out something to protect it from the heat.

All of this has my hopes up high that this garden just might make it. It may not be as beautiful as many of those others I have seen on the blogs but I keep telling myself that they had to have started from scratch at sometime too so maybe they can relate to what it was like to have their first flower garden and to watch it finally come into bloom.

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