Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spreading the Word on Growing Your Own

LizM at Hyperlocavore has started a seed share program to get new gardeners started.

This is a great way to help spread encouragement for those who just don’t know where to start. Perhaps offering a few suggestions on when to plant and how to get the soil started would help.

Let’s instill in all of them the great joy we get from harvesting our very first tomato or raspberry.

Pick a newbie gardener on and send them a mix of various seeds, flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables to help them get growing this season!

And then reward yourself for becoming a mentor to a new gardener.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Greg! Thanks so much for letting folks know about the seed share! I really appreciate that. I'm getting notes and pictures back from the gardens I've sent out....can't wait for summer! It's really fun!

    Happy Digging!

