I have used Epsom salt on my roses for years to give them an extra boost of minerals as well as to help them keep a shine on their leaves.
When I was a child I remember my mother putting some in a pail of water to soak her aching feet. The water always felt silky smooth and I recall her saying it was good in bath water too. A child isn’t usually concerned enough with having soft skin that they are going to ask for bath salts so I never thought much about it after that.
I stumbled across an article that listed the benefits of Epsom Salt and thought I would pass them along.
Epsom Salts are comprised of magnesium and sulphates, and have been used for years. The magnesium in the salts helps the body to produce high levels of serotonin, which is the mood rising chemical often found in anti depressants. It also helps produce adenosine triphosphate, which is the body’s natural chemical that increases energy.
Epsom Salts have some of the same medical properties as anti-inflammatory’s, which can help aid cramps and relieve natural body pain as well act as a natural neutralizer which help prevent foot odor.
When mixed with either olive or bath oils, Epsom salts can help remove areas of built up dead skin. Never leave the salts on your skin for too long, once you have got out of the bath make sure you rinse off the salts.
Adding the right amount of salts to your shampoo can help control oil.
If you have a deep splinter which is proving hard to extract then you can bring it to the surface of the skin easily when you soak the area in the salts.
It is believed that Epsom salts can help with the prevention of blood clots because they naturally lower blood pressure.
All in all Epsom salts are pretty amazing. So the next time you reach for the Epsom Salt think about treating yourself to a hot relaxing bath.
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