Today is a cold, rainy day. The only good thing I can say about this unfortunate condition is that there are no snow flakes falling. But, I did find another good thing about today. I discovered that I did not lose my lettuce and radish under last weeks one foot snow fall.
The snow has been slowly disappearing since that last awful storm came through and now that my raised beds are uncovered, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the lettuce and radish I planted two months ago survived.
Planting these was an after thought, I figured that since I had the seeds I would just toss them into one of the beds and see what happens. We got a couple of meals out of them before leaving for a week to celebrate Thanksgiving with family two states over. I have never planted any vegetables over winter so do not have a cold frame, hot bed, or even a simple plastic cage to set over plants for protection.
The day of the evening we were due back home, snow fell to over 12” and I just gave up hope of seeing these plants alive again.
Nature never ceases to amaze me at how resilient it can be. I pulled one of the radish and some lettuce for a taste and they are remarkable fresh. Hoe is this possible? I am thankful but still surprised.
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