Homemade Cloches for Seedlings

>> Wednesday, March 4, 2009

While looking for ideas on setting my seedlings out early, because frankly I’m getting crowded out of my own home, I found several sites with some handy ideas for cloches.

First one comes from Gardeners’ World. Photo from Gardeners’ World. Make your own cloches to use as handy home-made devices to keep your seeds. Made using hanging baskets and secondary glazing film, they resemble traditional Victorian bell cloches but cost a fraction of the price. The film will be strong enough to last a few months and is easily replaced if it does break.

Here’s an ingenious DIY from Allotment and Vegetable Gardening. While walking to work MisterPlough of Edinburgh, Scotland saw in a carpet shop the plastic matting you can get to protect carpets and thought - that'll work!

This one comes from You Grow Girl. Photo from You Grow Girl. If you're willing to sacrifice a little beauty for a fully functioning device that is not only as cheap as it gets (as in free), but will go the distance, then the plastic bottle cloche is the way to go.

I love the ingenuity of home gardeners. As they say Necessity is the Mother of Invention.

Happy Gardening.


bholland April 11, 2009 at 7:15 AM  

fantastic idea with the upside down basket. I have been looking for a nice looking way to protect my young plants from the rabbits and I think this is just the ticket! Thanks!

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